Sunday, October 21, 2007

Two Discipleship Zonal Conferences


Dave Dawson & I, along with the ECWA Discipleship Ministry Team saw the Lord use all of us as we taught in large meetings and smaller workshop times. Dave taught with passion as the Holy Spirit used him at both places. In Kaduna over 750 pastors and Church leaders attended and in Abuja around 350 attended. We could all sence that the Lord was opening the hearts of many as they were chellenged to consider what their role is in their churches. Many purchased a tool for establishing people in their relationship to the Lord and which also lays a foundation for some of the basics of discipleship.

In the Abuja Zone I will be following up over 30 pastors who indicated they wanted someone to disciple them. I am in the process of contacting them and starting groups in this zone. This will give us a way to reach into the churches and encourage them to launch a ministry of disicpleship in their church.

We once again are blessed to be here and to see the Lord create more of a vision for discipleship in the hearts and mind of His people that he has called to make a difference. Of course they will face challenges of doing this, so we all covet your prayers.